Put trees to work for you and the planet!
Jonsteen’s creative packaging preserves, protects, and informs. It allows trees to go where they have never been before, and gives them a powerful voice and impact (not to mention shelf-life). Whether for retailing in non-traditional settings, or for giveaways, special promotions, events, or mailings, we can help put trees to work for you and the planet!

The Original Tree-in-a-Tube
Quality tree seedlings showcased in our travel-ready "mini-greenhouse" packaging! Great interpretive labeling and a free growing brochure included with each tree. A staple of the National Parks for decades, this tried-and-true packaging looks fantastic and is super practical, making it possible for our trees to literally travel the world. Each tree is backed up by our 100% guarantee and our toll-free Tree Help Line. Available designs include the Giant Sequoia, Coast Redwood, Blue Spruce, Bonsai Starter (multiple species available), and Living Christmas Tree (Balsam Fir, Blue Spruce, Douglas-fir, and Norway Spruce).
Kraft Bag Seedlings
A natural-looking kraft bag offers an ideal canvas for your artwork and the messaging you want for your event, giveaway, or promotion. This packaging has been used by Macy’s, Whole Foods, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Lowe’s, and many others for major tree giveaways (up to a million trees!). If you don’t have the numbers or time to have a custom kraft bag printed, Jonsteen has a great design available that includes growing instructions, our Tree Help Line, and our 100% guarantee. No tree event is too small! We will help you get the right tree species or assortment for your region and climate. The power of putting trees into people’s hands is never to be underestimated, and, when you do it, a lovely green glow of environmental stewardship washes over your entire organization in the minds of the people. Get real. Think trees!